A quick review of a juice I bought actually while I was shopping in Tesco one evening. It was something called Frugo. This was actually in the import isle in the local Tesco and it was quite a nice drink, now there was a video but I found out when i was filming on the phone, it dropped into the water and fried the mic :(((. So that means as well as my sister's cat dying young yesterday, the phone can't do vlogs any more easily, so i've had to order a new one for technically £10 more without a case but its uk stock. But thats a different thing.#
The bottle itself
Well its a small 250ml glass bottle which has a jungle theme to it with, it was nice with a tiger and chamleon. Then the cap was quite nice in its design.
The top of the bottle |
The details of the flavour of the juice |
The bottle and logo |
Another look at the logo |
The taste:
Well the taste is actually quite fruity, its a mix of fruits but its a different taste to lilt, But you can taste the apple and the kiwi but there is a mix of the bitterness to one of the other fruits in there.
omracer's Rating: 7/10
The Good Points:
- Only £0.50
- Its a juice
- There is a decent taste to it
The Bad Points:
- Glass bottles can break
- there is a slight bitter taste within the decent taste
Well thats that, But with the phone having to re-arrive soon, I can get on to reviewing in video form again .